
What is the Average Car Accident Settlement? 

One of the most common questions we get is “how much is my car accident claim worth?” While there is no straightforward answer to this, there are a handful of ways you can estimate how much your claim is worth. Furthermore, knowing how much you are expected to get should help you decide whether you should get a lawyer and take your case to court, or settle out of court with the insurance company. There are circumstances where either is appropriate, so taking the time to educate yourself about these options can be extremely beneficial. Depending on the nature of…

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Tips to Keep Your Teen Driver Safe

As a parent, having your child driving out on the Texas roads can be a terrifying thing. It is normal to feel wary about having your child out on the roads, after all, car crashes are the leading cause of teen deaths according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. It is extremely important that your child not only knows how to practice safe driving but understands why they need to practice the safe driving guidelines. Keep reading to learn some tips on keeping your teen driver safe on the road. Ensure your teen understands the risk One of the…

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The Dangers of St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday where everyone in the country claims to be of Irish ancestry. The holiday is celebrated with individuals dressing up in anything green they can wear as well as the consumption of copious amounts of beer dyed green. While the day is often full of celebration of one’s heritage or merely just an excuse to binge drink, St. Patrick’s Day brings with it an atmosphere of excess and dangerous situations. Unfortunately, the celebration of Ireland’s patron saint is too frequently ruined by drunk-driving incidents. St. Patrick’s Day is the Fourth Drunkest Holiday  According to WalletHub,…

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Dallas Driver Blames Mexican Food in Fatal Hit-and-Run

Earlier this month a Dallas man was arrested following a fatal three-car crash in which he blamed the Mexican food he ate on his dizziness, rather than the beers he was drinking while driving. According to the officer who administered the test, the man said he was dizzy and couldn’t stand up straight because he ate too much Mexican food. Julio Cesar Menendez-Guerrero was driving south on Westmoreland Road with two of his vehicle’s wheels on the curb when he ran a red light, hitting the car Andrea Rodriguez Perez was driving. Rodriguez's vehicle was pushed into a third vehicle…

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Thanksgiving Accidents: How to Avoid Them

Thanksgiving is all about being grateful for what you have, spending time with your loved ones, and eating delicious comfort food, right? While that may be the case, Thanksgiving is also one of the most dangerous holidays and days of the year, in general. This day of thanks marks the start of the busy holiday season, which often comes with serious accidents and injuries. Unfortunately, we see an increase in the number of accidents that take place during the busy holiday season. In fact, hospitals treat more patients from November to January than most other months. This is due to…

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How Technology is Promoting Safe Driving

Technology has forever changed the way in which we communicate and live our lives on a daily basis. Perhaps one of the most important things technology has given us in recent years if new vehicle safety features. Sadly, someone dies in the United States every 30 minutes because of impaired or distracted driving, and every two minutes someone is injured in a car accident. In order to protect ourselves and others, it is important to raise awareness about the dangers of driving distracted. These days, modern cars come with a wide range of important safety features, all of which aim…

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What to Expect at Your Personal Injury Consultation

If you’ve been involved in an accident or injured because of another person’s negligence or ill will, it may be time to schedule an appointment with a personal injury lawyer. Many people come to us wondering how a lawyer can help, which is something we will discuss during our first meeting. While many people find the very idea of meeting with a lawyer intimidating, it could be the best decision you will ever make following an accident. It is our job as personal injury lawyers to protect your legal rights and ensure you receive full compensation for your injuries. More…

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How is Fault Determined in Texas Car Accidents?

Being involved in an accident of any kind is a stressful and overwhelming experience. If you have sustained any injuries, or if you have lost a loved one in a car accident, it can be difficult to know what the next steps are. For many, the appropriate action is to file a lawsuit. When that is the case, one of the first things that must be addressed is who is at fault. Determining fault in a car accident is one of the most difficult aspects of these types of cases. And, perhaps more importantly, who is at fault directly affects…

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How to Avoid Parking Lot Accidents?

Let’s face it - parking lots are breeding grounds for car accidents. Many parking lots are poorly designed, making it difficult for drivers to navigate all the backing up, pulling in, and pedestrians. If you’ve ever been in a parking lot that seems like it was designed specifically for fender-benders, you’re not alone. Looking for a parking spot in a busy lot can be stressful and anxiety-inducing, to say the least. Chances are you are so focused on trying to find a spot, you may not be paying attention to the traffic around you. Because there are so many distractions…

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When Not to File a Car Insurance Claim

One of the first things most people do following a car accident is call the police, then the insurance company. While this is something we are taught to do to protect ourselves in the event of an accident, there are certain times when filing a car insurance claim may not work to your advantage. If major damage has been done to your car and the accident was not your fault, it seems only logical that the next step is to get your insurance company on the phone and tell them what happened, right? Not so fast. The truth of the…

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