
Is Uber Reducing Drunk Driving?

With the prevalence of rideshare services like Uber and Lyft, it seems only natural that our nation's drunk driving statistics would decrease, right? Unfortunately, it's not as straightforward as that. Numerous studies have been conducted on the subject, several of which have differing results. While Uber has partnered with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and states on its website that rideshare services "are helping to curb drunk driving," researchers say this correlation isn't across the board. According to several different studies, Uber has led to a decline in drunk driving, but only in certain cities. In one independent study, researchers…

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Teen Driving Laws in Texas

As is the case in many other states, Texas has specific laws geared towards teen drivers. For example, teenagers are subject to graduating driving privileges, which means that, as they get older, they are given more driving freedom and subject to fewer driving restrictions. This multi-stage process of teaching teens how to drive is designed to give them the practice and tools they need to safely navigate the roads when they come of age. Through this system, Texas teens gain exposure to various complex driving situations, easing them into full-time driving over the course of a year. Given how dangerous…

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Tips on How to Avoid Car Accidents in Dallas

Our society has become incredibly reliant on cars, they get us safely from point A to point B, after all. Or do they? In recent years we have seen an alarming increase in the number of car accidents that take place. While many are minor fender benders, others are serious and result in devastating injuries or death. These massive metal machines are filled with flammable liquid, and often those you love the most. Keeping your passengers, yourself, and all other drivers on the roads safe is something we all want, but it isn’t always as easy as that. Texas highways…

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Texas Car Accident Statistics

Many Texas drivers can attest to the fact that the state’s highways are some of the most dangerous in the country. There are more than 675,580 miles of highway in Texas, so it should come as no surprise that serious, often fatal accidents take place all the time. I-35, I-20, and I-10, in particular, see accidents every single day - morning, afternoon, and night. The accident rate is so bad in Texas that the Lone Star state is commonly referred to as the “car accident capital of America”. According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), an estimated 3,500 people…

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Right-of-Way Laws in Texas

One of the keys to staying safe while out on the Texas roads is understanding what laws are in place. We know it can be difficult to keep up with the laws in place, but it is of the utmost importance that you do so. One of the most talked about laws in Texas is called the Right-of-way law. This law comes into play when one drivers and/or pedestrians comes to stop and are unsure of who has the legal right to go first. Texas right-of-way laws are designed to protect both motorists and pedestrians, which is why it’s a…

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What to Look for When Choosing an Insurance Company

Deciding which insurance company is best for your needs is not always easy, especially these days. Many insurance companies have a bad rep and it can be difficult to know which are trustworthy. However, there are certain steps you can take ahead of time to ensure you end up with the insurance company that is right for you. If you’ve never purchased insurance before, it can be overwhelming to decipher all the various definitions, conditions, coverages, exclusions, and endorsements. This isn’t exactly the most exciting thing you’ll ever do, but it is a vital part of life. Without insurance, you…

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Is Bad Winter Weather to Blame for Car Wrecks?

Car accident happen every single day and for a wide range of reasons, but did you know the deadliest time of year is actually right now - winter? This may seem obvious, but winter weather is often the culprit of serious car accidents and can be blamed for some of the most devastating wrecks that occur. This happens for numerous reasons, including the unfortunate fact that many people do not know how to drive in bad weather, or do not take the necessary safety precautions when the weather is a little dicey. According to the National Highway and Traffic Safety…

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Pedestrian Laws in Texas

Auto-pedestrian accidents happen on a regular basis here in Texas and throughout the United States. In many cases, these accidents are the result of a negligent or distracted driver. Because of the prevalence of these types of serious accidents, Texas lawmakers have begun to establish rules that govern how both drivers and pedestrians behave. For example, in Texas, pedestrians always have the right of way over cars when they cross streets at traffic light intersections or intersections controlled by an electronic pedestrian crossing signal. This means that all autos must yield the right of way to pedestrians when there is…

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How to Avoid Parking Lot Accidents?

If you drive, there’s a good chance you’ve either been involved in or witnessed a parking lot accident. People tend to drive too fast, are distracted, are in a hurry, and don’t pay attention to other shoppers and drivers. Coupled with the fact that many parking lots are tight on space, it’s no wonder accidents happen often. While many people overlook parking lots as a potential danger zone, an estimated 13 percent of all accidents take place in parking lots. There are numerous reasons for this, including the fact that parking lots are extremely busy places. It is imperative you…

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How Apple’s New iOS 11 Can Make You a Safer Driver

Car accidents happen on a regular basis and for a wide range of factors, including distracted driving. In recent years the number of accidents caused by distracted driving has risen drastically. This is due to numerous reasons, but namely because of how reliant we have become on our smartphones. People are constantly reading texts, talking on the phone, scrolling through Facebook, and performing other unsafe behaviors with their phones while navigating the streets. This is a serious, growing problem in our country that has caused many states to start implementing strict texting while driving laws. However, state lawmakers aren’t the…

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