
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration reported that there were 102 work related deaths in Texas in 2016. Many of the reported deaths were a consequence of unsafe work environment and lack of sufficient training of workers in the construction industry. Texas’ booming economy has created a lot of jobs in the construction, trucking and oil and gas industries, however, at the same time the inadequate protection given to workers on the job has made Texas the leading state in worker fatalities in the country.

Texas is the only state in the US that does not legally require a private employer to have workers’ compensation insurance so workers, in case of any kind of injury, have no access to occupational benefits. Moreover the state regulated workers’ compensation system, which covers 81% of the Texas workforce, has great benefits to offer on paper, but when it comes to actually compensating an employee’s claim, those benefits are either denied or disputed. The fact that many of these workers cannot afford the medical costs that workplace injuries entail makes it even harder for them to get back on their feet. Injuries caused by a fall, for instance, can cause life changing health damage and worker might never be able to go back to work as a result. Access to quality legal assistance is another hurdle in the way of getting the coverage that these workers deserve. Affected employees who try to file a formal case against their employers have to deal with insurance companies who are the ones who write the policies for workers’ compensation system.

So What Options do Employees Have?

In case of a dispute between the employee and the workers’ compensation, insurance companies and the employee can work it out informally or take the case to the Division of Workers’ Compensation that operates like a court with hearing officers. In informal settings, insurance companies often deny almost 45% of the claims, according to unpublished data obtained by The Texas Tribune. Employees who hire lawyers tend to fare better than those who rely solely on the Workers’ Compensation System. Medical evidence and other important details about the injury can be collected efficiently if a legal representative is present, otherwise some insurance companies can manipulate these details and deny claims on various grounds. Workplace accident attorneys are usually well informed about state laws and an employee’s rights when it comes to unsafe work environments and lack of coverage by employers and therefore they can fight for the employee on strong grounds.

Rad Law Firm is one place where attorneys believe in employee rights and work hard to get their clients the compensation that they deserve. At no up-front cost to you, Rad Law Firm provides the best legal representation in personal injury and work injury on a contingency fee basis. This means that we do not take a fee until you receive compensation. You will not incur any legal fees or costs for our time and assistance unless we do our job and earn you a trial verdict or settlement. We have every incentive to maximize your recovery, so contact us today for a free consultation.

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