
Many Attorneys Offer Clients Free Consultations

The very idea of hiring a lawyer is intimidating to many. Truth be told, people don’t always have the best impressions of lawyers. However, having the right lawyer by your side could make a world of difference in your case. If, for example, you get in a car accident on New Year’s, an experienced lawyer will be able to advise you on how to proceed. You may think you can handle your case on your own, and involving a lawyer will only complicate matters, but this simply isn’t true. At Rad Law Firm, our lawyers not only have years of experience handling a wide range of personal injury cases throughout Dallas, but we are committed to helping clients achieve favorable outcomes.

Whether you suffered an injury as a result of medical malpractice or your loved one is the victim of nursing home abuse, schedule a consultation with us today.

Many people don’t realize this, but lawyers typically offer free consultations. No hidden fees or questionable agendas – we are here to help! But how do you prepare for your first meeting with a lawyer? You want to get the most out of this initial consultation; it is free, after all. If you’ve never found yourself in a situation that requires the help of a lawyer, it can be overwhelming. Where do you even start? The purpose of today’s blog is to answer that question and more. We want to make sure you know what questions to ask and what to expect from a potential law firm.

If you have additional questions after reading this blog, give us a call. We are happy to provide further clarification to help you understand your rights and what working with our legal team looks like. You and your case matter to us; give Rad Law Firm a call today to schedule your free consultation.

Do I Need a Lawyer?

It’s true that not every disagreement or accident case requires a lawyer, but many do. The best way to determine if you could benefit from a lawyer is by evaluating several factors of your case. If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the below, it may be time to get that free consultation on the books:

  • You are charged with a crime that could send you to jail
  • You stand to lose a lot of money in a lawsuit
  • The other party involved in the case has an attorney
  • You suffered a severe injury that caused you to miss work
  • You are in the midst of a complicated divorce
  • A contract is needed
  • You are facing complex business issues
  • You are dealing with an estate or estate planning
  • The at-fault driver in your car accident isn’t cooperating
  • You suspect wrongful death

Not all answers can be found in a book or Google. Sometimes – many times – a lawyer is your best option for winning your case and ensuring you don’t get taken advantage of.

How Will A Lawyer Help Me?

No matter how much research you’ve done and how well educated you are, the legal system is complicated and makes it extremely difficult for anyone to represent themselves. Because every case is unique, it is essential to have a specialist represent you. Many different variables may come up during your case, and if you don’t have an attorney by your side, winning your case could be impossible.

Some of the ways a lawyer can help with your case include:

  • Negotiate fair deals with prosecutors
  • Help with sentencing to meet the client’s needs
  • Help defendants understand the charges they are facing
  • Provide knowledge and expertise surrounding legal rules and the criminal justice system
  • Understand the local court system and procedures
  • Breakdown the potential hidden costs of a case
  • Spend time on the case
  • Gather information from witnesses
  • Hire and work with investigators

Questions to Ask a Potential Lawyer

Before your first consultation with a personal injury lawyer, have the following questions prepared:

  • How long have you practiced law?
  • When was your law practice established?
  • What types of cases do you typically handle?
  • Who is your ‘typical’ client?
  • How many cases have you handled that were similar to mine?
  • Do you have any specialized training or knowledge that may help my case?
  • What are your attorney fees and costs?
  • Who will I be working with?
  • What is your philosophy of winning a case?
  • How much do you think I can get in a settlement?
  • How long should I expect my case to take?
  • Is going to court my only option?
  • How will we communicate? How often?
  • What is the likely outcome of my case?

Tips to Prepare You for Meeting with a Lawyer 

Have these questions with you before your first consultation with a lawyer. They will help you feel prepared and more confident about hiring an attorney. Let’s now go over a few additional tips to guide you when getting ready for an initial consultation with a lawyer:

  • Write down any questions you may have before, during, and after the meeting
  • Be fully transparent with the lawyer about your situation (never keep details from them)
  • Gather and bring along any documents you think might be relevant or beneficial
  • Make copies of everything you will be sharing with your attorney
    • Medical records
    • Police reports
    • Tickets
    • Court documents
    • Bank statements and pay stubs
    • Correspondence from insurance companies
    • Any contracts that may be in dispute
    • Repair bills
  • Bring a family member or friend for support, if you wish
  • Have a goal in mind when you walk into the meeting
  • Be prepared
  • Give as many details as possible
  • Conduct a background check or talk to references before signing a retainer
  • Be patient and understand the legal process can be arduous and frustrating, at time

We hope you now have a better understanding of what to expect during your first meeting with a lawyer. To schedule a free consultation to discuss your case with one of our Dallas personal injury lawyers, contact Rad Law Firm today.

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