
Let’s face it – construction workers have some of the most challenging and dangerous jobs out there. They are constantly putting themselves in the face of danger, whether working from a high scaffolding on buildings or the side of a busy highway. Due to the extreme nature of construction jobs, it is more important than ever that proper safety procedures are adhered to. If not, construction workers and others in the vicinity of the work site may be at risk of injury, or worse. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, one in 10 construction workers dies every single year in the United States. Furthermore, there are roughly 900 construction industry deaths every year.

There are numerous factors that contribute to construction industry accidents and deaths, some of which we will go over below. In order to prevent these types of accidents from taking place, it is important that everyone in the industry understands the various safety regulations and what is necessary to maintain a safe work environment. By being aware of the top causes of construction accidents, you can then work towards reducing the risk of them occurring, and then eliminating these incidents altogether. To achieve this goal, it is important that you understand the main causes of construction site accidents and deaths.

Here is a look at a handful of the most common factors that contribute to serious injuries and fatalities at construction sites:

  • Electrical Incidents

Electrocutions and other related electrical accidents are one of the leading causes of construction site accidents. While electricity is undoubtedly a large part of our everyday lives, we often take for granted just how dangerous it can be. Unfortunately, electrical incidents are quite common in the construction industry. Some of the top hazards that electricity can pose include:

  • Contact with power lines, downed and otherwise
  • Failure to use equipment properly
  • Failure to use extension cords properly
  • Falls

Many construction projects require workers to climb to great heights in order to get the job done. With this comes numerous potential dangers, namely falling. In order to prevent construction site falls, it is important that a safety plan is in place in order to protect workers from falling from dangerous heights. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, construction accidents from falls account for 34 percent of all construction site deaths.

  • Struck by an Object

Approximately 9 percent of all construction deaths occur as the result of what they call “struck by object” accidents. These types of incidents are characterized by falling objects, cranes, unstable walls, and other types of dangerous contact between workers and heavy equipment.

  • Trenching Collapses

Depending on the job, trenches may be necessary for construction sites. In the event a trench collapses while a worker in inside, it could lead to devastating injuries, or worse. There have been numerous cases of trench construction workers being hit with tools, machinery, or materials, or even getting buried in the surrounding dirt.

According to statistics, 60 percent of construction workplace injuries happen within the employee’s first year of employment. With this in mind, it is imperative that potential safety hazards are addressed and avoided. If you or a loved one has been injured on a construction work site, please contact Rad Law Firm today. Our knowledgeable Dallas construction accident attorneys will work with you to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

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