DWI Accidents are More Common Than You Think

Millions of American drivers are at high risk of being hit by a drunk driver, considering how common driving under the influence is in the country. Alcohol impaired driving fatalities accounted for 29% of the total vehicle traffic fatalities in 2015. Just in Texas the total number of fatalities caused by drunk drivers was 1323. The total number of arrests made in Texas in 2015 of people driving while intoxicated (DWI) was 64,971. You must be thinking that’s a really small number of fatalities as compared to the number of people arrested. That is exactly the scary and dangerous part.…

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Can Social Media Affect your Personal Injury Claim?

More than 69% adults in the United States use social media today. Although most of these users tend to be young, usage by older adults has increased lately. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Snapchat are very popular with Facebook leading the way. Although, how much our social media reflects our real lives is hard to know, however, in today’s day and age an individual’s social media accounts are taken to be a true representation of their life, by most people. Your experiences, emotions, life events, interests and affiliations are all recorded once you put them…

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Facts About Premises Liability Cases

There are many different types of premises liability cases, from slips and falls to electrocutions, diving accidents, and amusement park accidents. Because premises liability covers such a broad spectrum, these types of cases can be rather confusing for many people. Every single year people suffer injuries because property owners or managers fail to address potential hazards and dangerous conditions on their properties. In fact, it is quite common for building owners to ignore problem areas, especially during the winter months. A cracked sidewalk or malfunctioning light in a parking lot may seem harmless at first, but these things can lead…

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The Dangers of Electrocution Accidents

Electrocutions are far more common than many people realize, in fact, they are one of the leading causes of death amongst construction workers. According to the Department of Labor, every year in the United States almost 1,000 people are killed from having contact with an electrical source. In addition to that, 31000 people suffer electrical burns each year. Electrical injuries happen for numerous reasons, from improper building wiring to the result of defective products. While we see the majority of electrocutions and electrical accidents take place on construction worksites, these types of injuries can also happen at home and in…

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Facts About Burn Injuries

Burn injuries are among some of the most common - and devastating - injuries that we see. Even the most minor of burn injuries are painful and can leave permanent damage in addition to psychological scars. Burns can happen in many different settings and for a wide range of reasons - from cooking accidents to forest fires, Christmas tree accidents, and so on. According to the American Burn Association, there are roughly 470,000 burn injuries that require medical attention every single year in the United States. Recovering from a burn injury is typically extremely costly and can take months or…

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Holiday Travel Safety Guide

Many people travel during the holidays, by airplane, train, and car. Given the fact there are so many more people on the roads during this time of year, it is no wonder the rate of accidents is much, much higher from November through February. There are many different factors that result in car accidents, from inclement weather conditions and distracted drivers to those who drive under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that 90 percent of holiday travelers will be doing so by car this year - and the average driver will…

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Avoid These Common Holiday Injuries

The holidays are a time of joy, togetherness, giving thanks, indulging in delicious food - and injuries. Yes, you read that right. Unfortunately, more people are injured during the holidays than most other times of the year. There are many reasons for this, and no, it isn’t always because of too much egg nog. People sustain serious injuries during the holidays when cooking, decorating, driving, shopping, skiing, and everything in between. While the months of November and December are traditionally festive and filled with bright, colorful decorations and tons of cheer, they are also a time of tragedy and loss…

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Four Common Misconceptions About Personal Injury Law

There are many different myths and misconceptions about personal injury law, which is why we thought it was time to dispel these misunderstandings. In order to fully understand your rights, should you sustain an injury as a result of another’s negligence, you must have a good grasp of what is true and false regarding these types of cases. There are many different types of personal injury cases, from auto accidents to product liability claims and dog bite injuries. Given the broad scope of cases, it is important that you understand what some of the most common myths about personal injury…

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What You Need to Know About Filing A Whiplash Claim

Whiplash is perhaps the most common injury suffered after a car accident, and it is also one of the most ignored injuries. Whiplash can be extremely frustrating for car accident victims, as the stiffness and soreness that often comes along with it can last for days, weeks, or even months. While a sore neck may not seem like that big of a deal, anyone that has ever experienced whiplash would likely attest to the fact that it can have a major impact on a person’s ability to work and enjoy life. Unfortunately, insurance companies are often skeptical of whiplash injuries,…

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Why Are Kids Being Left in a Hot Car?

Even though summer is a thing of the past, we still think it is important to discuss the dangers of leaving kids in a hot car, and why this seems to be happening more than ever before. This past summer statistics showed that there was an increase in incidents with children being left in hot vehicles. The majority of these cases occurred when a child was being transported out of their routine, often by the parent who did not usually take them to daycare or look after them during the day. Unfortunately, many parents and child caregivers do not understand…

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