
Facts About Medical Malpractice

It’s no secret that medical malpractice is a growing - and a very real - problem here in the United States. With medical malpractice holding down the #3 spot when it comes to leading causes of death in the U.S., it is clear we have a problem. Medical malpractice shows up in all different shapes and forms, from negligence during surgery and misdiagnosis to medication errors. Medical malpractice is certainly not something anyone wants to suffer through, but it happens all the time, leaving patients in much worse condition than when they started. In many instances, medical malpractice can have…

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Facts About Medical Malpractice

It’s no secret that medical malpractice is a growing - and a very real - problem here in the United States. With medical malpractice holding down the #3 spot when it comes to leading causes of death in the U.S., it is clear we have a problem. Medical malpractice shows up in all different shapes and forms, from negligence during surgery and misdiagnosis to medication errors. Medical malpractice is certainly not something anyone wants to suffer through, but it happens all the time, leaving patients in much worse condition than when they started. In many instances, medical malpractice can have…

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Have E-Prescriptions really reduced Prescription errors?

Electronic health records are becoming increasingly popular in the American healthcare industry. E-prescribing is a part of this switch to electronic records, whereby a prescriber can electronically send an accurate prescription to the pharmacy from the point of care. The prescriber identifies the patient’s medical record in the practice’s management system and then enters a prescription using drop boxes that display different options such as name of medication, dosage, frequency of intake etc. After filling out these fields, the prescriber sends the prescription electronically to the preferred patient pharmacy. The pharmacy then sends a confirmation back to the prescriber’s office…

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Victim of Medical Malpractice? Follow These Steps Right Away

As we’ve discussed in the past, medical malpractice is a serious, growing problem throughout the United States. Just as a reminder, medical malpractice or negligence is the third leading cause of death in the United States. This statistic alone highlights just how out of hand this problem has gotten. There are many different instances that can occur resulting in medical malpractice, but these types of cases are typically sought when someone has been harmed, injured, or worse because of inadequate medical treatment or diagnosis from a medical professional. While it is surely never the intention of doctors, nurses or other…

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Medical Malpractice: Foreign Objects Forgotten in Patients

As we’ve discussed in the past, medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in the United States. From birth injuries to surgical errors and misdiagnosis, there are numerous different types of medical malpractice. One of the most common medical errors that we see - and one of the worst - is when an item is left inside a patient. The very idea of this is disturbing, to say the least, but it happens more often than you think. One such story recently occurred in North Texas and is one of the most shocking we’ve ever come across. Debra…

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Wrongful Birth: A Medical Malpractice Claim

Advances in technology now allow doctors to observe the development of a fetus in the womb in detail. If the doctor’s negligence or lack of proper, required care leads to the birth of a child with disabilities, that the parents would have chosen to abort had they known, the parents can file a wrongful birth claim against the doctor. The alleged negligence can be based on the failure to recommend, administer or interpret needed genetic (or other) tests or failure to properly advise the parents about test results. One of the first wrongful birth claim was filed by a woman…

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The Role of Misdiagnosis in Medical Malpractice Claims

As we’ve discussed in the past, medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in the United States. There are many different types of incidents that can be characterized as medical malpractice, such as failure to diagnose, prescription errors, birth injuries, nursing home abuse, and misdiagnosis. For our purposes today, we are going to focus on misdiagnosis. According to statistics, misdiagnosis has made up the lion’s share of medical malpractice cases in the United States over the last 25 years. In fact, payouts total nearly $39 billion and there have been more than 350,000 claims. Many people do not…

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What Types of Nursing Home Errors Can Occur?

Unfortunately, nursing home abuse and neglect is a growing problem in the United States. Whether physical, mental, sexual, or financial abuse, this is not something to be taken lightly. It can be difficult enough to make the decision to enter your elderly loved one into a nursing home, let alone if you later find out that they are not being treated as they should be. In recent years we have seen an increased number of nursing home abuse cases in this country. While we don’t know all the details at this time about why this abuse occurs or how to…

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Medical Malpractice and Plastic Surgery

When you undergo any type of operation or surgery you do so thinking that the doctor in charge is someone you can trust. Regardless of how old you are and what type of surgery you are in for, the last thing you expect to happen is a serious injury, or worse. This is especially true when it comes to cosmetic surgery. Unfortunately, even in minor cosmetic surgeries, there is a heightened risk of injury or illness if the surgeon, nurse, or staff are not careful. Surgical patients, and in particular those undergoing plastic surgery, expect a specific end result. When…

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Why Pharmacy Errors are Dangerous

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about the seriousness of medical negligence and nursing errors. In fact, medical malpractice is the third-leading cause of death in the United States. While we have gone over some of the reasons why medical negligence occurs, it is important to also keep in mind that those aren’t the only types of errors that take place in the healthcare industry. Pharmacy errors are another common problem that we have seen. Unfortunately, many prescription drug errors go unreported or even unnoticed by patients. However, there is a serious potential for danger when…

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