
Auto recalls are an unfortunately common occurrence, especially these days. Whether due to a manufacturer’s defect or a failure to comply with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, auto recalls happen all the time. One of the most widely publicized cases surrounds Takata airbags. You may have heard about this case in the news, but it is worth mentioning briefly before we take a more in depth look at your rights when it comes to auto recalls. Takata airbags are manufactured by a Japanese company and have come under fire within the last year for their faulty airbags. The defective airbags propel shrapnel when deployed, which has led to more than 10 deaths in the United States alone. As of right now, there are more than 35 million auto recalls connected to Takata airbags.

These cases can be somewhat complicated or hard to wrap your head around, but the main thing to keep in mind is that you as a consumer has certain rights if your car is recalled. In many cases, an auto recall involves dozens of cars or even hundreds of thousands, as in the case of Takata. An auto recall can affect just one part on your vehicle – such as the seatbelt, airbag, or floor mat – or the entire vehicle. Depending on the severity of the recall, you may need to have your entire vehicle replaced by the manufacturer. There is no question that safety is one of the top concerns for car buyers, whether they are buying their first vehicle or 15th. We as consumers trust that the cars on the market have met all safety requirements and are road ready. However, oftentimes manufacturers cut corners, a decision that can be deadly.

When is a Car Recalled?

A safety-related defect is very serious and occurs when there is a problem with a vehicle or a part in the vehicle that may pose a danger to the driver and his or her occupants. Here are a few examples of safety defects that may lead to a car being recalled:

  • Broken steering wheel components
  • The accelerator pedal sticks or is broken
  • Windshield wiper assemblies that malfunction or do not operate
  • Seats that fail unexpectedly
  • Wiring problems
  • Defective airbags
  • Car jacks that collapse during use and cause injury

These are just a few of the most common examples of why a car may be recalled. Please keep in mind that this list is far from exhaustive.

What Happens When My Car is Recalled?

By law, the manufacturer of the recalled vehicle must provide consumers with a recall solution as soon as possible and at no charge. In many cases, this does not happen as quickly as we would like. As you can imagine, car recalls can be worldwide and often involve thousands of vehicle owners. In most cases, recalls are processed through local dealerships. Here is a look at a few of the most common solutions you can expect when your car is recalled:

  • Repair
  • Replace
  • Refund

To find out more about auto recalls in Dallas, please contact Rad Law Firm today. Our knowledgeable attorneys have worked numerous auto recalls and are prepared to explain your rights to you and help walk you through the process, if need be.

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